History of the Panex Quarter Turn
Southco replaced the original Dzus Panex quarter turn fastener range with their newer D8 range after they acquired Dzus.
Whilst they are a direct replacement for the original D3 version, there are a few key differences.
The studs from both ranges can be used with the receptacles from either range but the retainers must be from the same range as the stud.
The D3 Version
The D3 version is the original Dzus design. The studs can be quickly identified by the lip at the bottom of the shank which the holds the retainer in place when installed.

Removing the D3 prefix from the Southco part number will result in the original Dzus part number.
The plastic version of the retainers are a natural off white colour, which can also be used to identify the version.
- D3's are machined
- They are generally less available
- The minimum order quantities are generally higher
- They are generally more expensive
The D8 Version
The D8 version is the newer Southco design. The studs can be quickly identified by the end of the shank being slightly large than the main portion. There is a small groove before the main shank.

The D8 range follows the same part numbering system as the D3 range, only the prefix is different.
The plastic version of the retainers are black in colour, which can also be used to identify the version.
- D8's are cold formed
- They are generally more available
- The minimum order quantities are generally lower
- They are generally less expensive than the D3's